1214 Decies Journal of the Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society
Number 62 2006. €20.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

The Dungarvan Valley Caves Project: First Interim Report by Cóilín Ó Drisceoil and Richard Jennings 1
Archaeological Excavations of Pre-historic Settlement Sites at Knockhouse Lower and Carrickphierish, Co. Waterford by Melanie McQuade 21
Bishop Malchus: His arrival in Lismore, and the Winchester Saints in a Waterford Calendar by Dónal O'Connor 49
Medieval town walls: Understanding the People Within by Ian Johnston 67
'An Excuse for not Timely Writing the Antichristian Creed': A poem by Donnchadh Ruadh Mac Conmara by Liam Mac Peaircín 89
Richard Lalor Sheil by James Walsh 95
An Architectural Account of a Late Nineteenth Century 'Middle' Farmer's House in County Waterford by Julie Brazil 119
Letters from Francis Drewe to John O'Donovan, 1861 by Michael Herity 131
William Henry Grattan Flood of Lismore: Historian and Musicologist by Donald Brady 155
The Irish Volunteers and Waterford, Part III, 1920-1921: The East Waterford Brigade by Pat McCarthy 169
Waterford Central Technical Institute and the Development of Technical Education in Waterford City 1906-1930 by John M. Hearne 209
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