3607 Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an da chultur. published by the Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society. An Cumann Eire san Ochtu Cead Deag Volume 4 1989 €10.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Vision and Revision in the Study of Eighteenth-Century Irish Parliamentary Rhetoric by W. J. McCormack 7
The Context of Edmund Burke’s The Reformer by T.O. McLoughlin 37
Oral and Written Transmission of Poetry in the Eighteenth Century by Pádraig A. Breatnach 57
Dermot O’Connor, Translator of Keating by Diarmaid Ó Catháin 67
John Smith and the Molesworth Circle by M.A. Stewart 89
A Weary Patriot: Swift and the Formation of an Anglo-Irish Identity by Joseph McMinn 103
Early Irish Trade-Cards and Other Eighteenth-Century Ephemera by The Knight of Glin 115
The Repertory of Dublin Theatres, 1720-45 by John Greene 133
The Pamphlet Campaign against Henry Grattan in 1797-99 by Robert Mahony 149
‘Many Diverting Books of History and Travels’ and A Modest Proposal by Dirk F. Passman 167
Hutcheson’s Defence against the Charge of Plagiarism by David R. Raynor 177
Handel in Dublin: A Note by Harry White 182
A Note on George II and St. Stephen’s Green by Edward McParland 187
A Letter from Ireland: A Little-Known Attack on David Hume’s History of England by Robert E. Ward 196
A Note on John K’Eogh’s Herbal by N. J. A. Williams 198
The Manuscript of Jacob Poole’s Glossary of the Dialect of Forth and Bargy by T. P. Dolan 203
The Dictionary of Irish Biography and the Eighteenth Century (A-C) 208
Reviews 227