6432 Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an da chultur. published by the Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society. An Cumann Eire san Ochtu Cead Deag Volume 20 2005 €10.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Tribute to Alan Harrison (1943-2005) by Andrew Carpenter and Ian Campbell Ross 9
Some Reflections on the First Twenty Years of the Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society and of its Journal Eighteenth-Century Ireland/Iris an dá chultúr by Andrew Carpenter and Graham Gargett 11
Was Berkeley a Jacobite? Passive Obedience Revisited by Ian Campbell Ross 17
The Irish Connection: The Irish Merchant Community in Ostend and Bruges during the late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Jan Pamentier 31
Signora Violante and her Troupe of Dancers 1729-32 by Grainne McArdle 55
Voltaire's La Voix du sage et du peuple in Ireland: Or Enlightened Anticlericalism in Two Jurisdictions? by Tim Conway and Graham Gargett 79
Military Desertion and Deserters in Eighteenth-Century Ireland by Neal Garnham 91
Annála Inse Faithleann an Ochtú Céad Déag agus Cath Chluain Tarbh le Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail 104
‘The Places most fit for this Purpose’: Francis Stoughton Sullivan and Legal Study at the University of Dublin 1761-6 by Sean Patrick Donlan 120
Beyond the Milesian Pale: The Poetry of James Orr by Stephen Dornan 140
Inviting Handel to Ireland: Laurence Whyte and the Challenge of Poetic Evidence by David Hunter 156
Review Articles
Ossian and other Scottish Connections and Canons by Lesa Ní Mhunghaile 169
Ireland and Scotland: Culture and Society 1700-2000 by Michael Brown 173
Reviews 178
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