1732 Irish Historical Studies
Volume XXII. Number 87. March 1981. €15.00.
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

The crisis in Ireland and the disintegration of Queen Anne's last ministry by David Hayton 193
Celts, Carthaginians and constitutions: Anglo-Irish literary relations, 1780-1820 by Norman Vance 216
Patriotism as pastime: the appeal of fenianism in the mid-1860s by R.V. Comerford 239
Defence and the role of Erskine Childers in the treaty negotiations of 1921 by F. M. A. Hawkings 251
Historical revision XIX: The Irish customs administration under the early Tudors by Steven G. Ellis 271
Forty-second Annual Report of the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences 278
Reviews and short notices 280
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