5679 Irish Historical Studies
Volume XXXVII. Number 147. May 2011. €15.00.
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

The mendicant orders and vernacular Irish learning in the late medieval period by Edel Bhreathnach 357
The transplanters' certificates and the historiography of Cromwellian Ireland by John Cunningham 376
Making hay when the sun don't shine: the Rev. William Richardson, science and society in early nineteenth-century Ireland by Allan Blackstock 396
The political career of Michael Tierney, 1920—44 by Peter Martin 412
'A reasonable cause': the age of consent and the debate on gender and justice in the Irish Free State, 1922-35 by Susannah Riordan 427
Directions in historiography: History and Irish nationalism by Richard English 447
Reviews and short notices 461
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