3627 Irish Studies in International Affairs
Volume 16 2005. €10.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

The 'War on Terrorism'
The European Union's Role in the Fight Against Terrorism: [Opening Address - The Role of the EU in the Fight Against Terrorism] by Gijs de Vries 3
Bush, 11 September and the Conflicting Strategies of the 'War on Terrorism' by David Hastings Dunn 11
The 'War on Terrorism'-Perspectives from Radical Islamic Groups by Francesco Cavatorta 35
The 'War on Terrorism': A Critical Perspective by K. M. Fierke 51
The Madrid Bombings in the Domestic and Regional Politics of Spain by Luis Moreno 65
Whitehall and the Iraq War: The UK's Four Intelligence Enquiries by Richard J. Aldrich 73
British Intelligence and the Case for Confronting Iraq: Evidence from the Butler and Hutton Reports by Eunan O'Halpin 89
States' Due Diligence Obligations with Regard to International Non-State Terrorist Organisations Post-11 September 2001: The Heavy Burden that States Must Bear by Robert P. Barnidge Jr. 103
International Education and the Impact of the 'War on Terrorism' by Delma Campbell 127
From 11 September 2001 to the War in Iraq: Irish Responses to the Global 'War on Terrorism' by Rory Miller 155
Ireland, Europe and the Wider World: Diplomacy, Politics and Foreign Policy
'This is not a Place for Delicate or Nervous or Impatient Diplomats': The Irish Legation in Perón's Argentina (1948-55) by Paul Hand 175
EU Voting Behaviour in the UN General Assembly, 1990-2002: The EU's Europeanising Tendencies by Helen Young and Nicholas Rees 193
Implementing the Northern Ireland Peace Settlement: Factionalism and Implementation Design by Catherine Lynch 209
Sinn Féin and the European Arena: 'Ourselves Alone' or 'Critical Engagement'? by Martyn Frampton 235
Annual Reviews
Ireland's Foreign Relations in 2004 by Nicholas Rees 255
Ireland's Foreign Aid in 2004 by Helen O'Neill 279
Back Matter