1445 The Irish Sword. The Journal of the Military History Society of Ireland
Volume XIX. Number 78. Winter 1995. Sold
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Letters from Fontenoy by Micheline Kerney Walsh 238
Marshal Saxe by Donal O’Carroll 249
An analysis of the Fitzjames Cavalry Regiment, 1737 by Eoghan Ó hAnnrachdáin 253
Irish soldiers in Barcelona, 1653-4 by Peter Pyne 277
Toryism in Cromwellian Ireland (1650-60) by Eamonn O Ciardha 290
Fortification of Belfast by Gerald Muller and Gavin Williamson 306
‘The German soldier is not tactful’: Sir Roger Casement and the Irish Brigade in Germany during the First World War by Andreas Roth 313
Crimean-war guns in Ireland by N. St John Hennessy 333
Notes 344
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