5000 The Irish Sword. The Journal of the Military History Society of Ireland
Volume XV. Number 58. Summer 1982. €15.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

A Soldier in the Regiment of Dillon (Illustrated) by F.W. Van Brock 1
French Prisoners-of-War at Kinsale and Dunmanway 2
Irish Participation at Yorktown by Brigadier General James L. Collins Jr. 3
The Overthrow of the Plantation of Munster in October 1598 by Anthony J. Sheehan 11
Henry MacDonnell, Teniente General in the Spanish Navy by John De Courcy Ireland 23
The Battle-Axe Guard, 1676 29
An Irish Chaplain with the Army of Rochambeau by Micheline Kerney Walsh 30
Corporal Darby Quinan (Illustrated) 32
Roger Casement (Senior), and the Siege of Paris (1870) (Illustrated) by Dónall Ó Luanaigh 33
Morres’s Memorial, 1798 by F.W. Van Brock 36
Memorial to Military and Naval Personnel in County Wicklow by Brian Cantwell 45
Notes: Naval Aspects of the Jacobite War; Captain General Juan Sherlock; Tenth International Conference on the History of Cartography; Pugalist of the 94th Foot, 1846 57
Queries 61
Book Reviews 61
Proceedings 64
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