4130 Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Volume 120 1990. €20.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

The Stone Battle Axes of Ireland by D.D.A. Simpson 5
Ballynee Souterrains, County Meath by George Eogan 41
The Hermitage on Ardoileán, County Galway by Michael Herity 65
Decorated metalwork in the Museo dell’ Abbazia, Bobbio, Italy by Michael Ryan 102
A Letter from W.F. Wakeman to James Graves in 1882 by Siobhán de hÓir 112
An Early Medieval Strap-tag from Balally, County Dublin by Charles Mount & Valerie Keeley 120
Miscellanea 126
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