4344 Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Volume 114 1984. €20.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Women’s Donations to the Churches in Early Ireland by Lisa Bitel 5
An Early Nineteenth Century Description of Newgrange, County Meath by Anthony Candon 24
Number and Symbol in Early Christian Irish Art by Hilary Richardson 28
An Early Anglo-Norman Castle at Ballyderown, county Cork by Tadhg O’Keeffe 48
Two Sculptural Fragments from Clonmacnois by Nancy Edwards 57
Grouped Standing Stones, Radial-Stone Cairns and Enclosures in the South of Ireland by Seán Ó Nualláin 63
A Contribution to the Study of Cultivation Ridges in Ireland by Jonathan Bell 80
Irish Cresset Stones by Michael J. Moore 98
More about later Excise Marks on some Irish and English Wallpapers by A.K. Longfield (Mrs. Leask) 117
A Survey of the Royal Site of Cruachain in Connacht II Prehistoric Monuments by Michael Herity 125
The Cap of St Lachtin’s Arm by G.F. Mitchell 139
Miscellanea 141
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