4972 Past and Present A journal of historical studies
Number 109 (November 1985). €5.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Medieval Market Towns and Simple Commodity Production by R. H. Hilton 3
Philip II and the Cortes of Castile: The Case of the Cortes of 1576 by Charles Jago 24
The Bourgeois Revolution of Seventeenth-Century England Revisited by Lawrence Stone 44
Providence and Politics in Cromwellian England by Blair Worden 55
Towards the Comparative Study of the Popular Market for Art: The Ownership of Paintings in Seventeenth-Century Metz by Philip Benedict 100
Absolutism and Enlightened Reform: Charles III, the Establishment of the Alcabala, and Commercial Reorganization in Cuba by Allan J. Kuethe and G. Douglas Inglis 118
A Cevenol Community in Crisis: The Mystery of "L'Homme a Moustache" by Gwynne Lewis 144
Secondary Schools and Scottish Society in the Nineteenth Century by Robert Anderson 176
Health, Welfare and Unemployment during the Depression by Charles Webster 204
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