5012 Past and Present A journal of historical studies
Number 89 (November 1980). €5.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Minor Landlords in England and Medieval Agrarian Capitalism by R. H. Britnell 3
Icons of Justice by Samuel Y. Edgerton, Jr. 23
Mousnier and Barber: The Theoretical Underpinning of the "Society of Orders" in Early Modern Europe by Armand Arriaza 39
Learned and General Musical Taste in Eighteenth-Century France by William Weber 58
Political Shoemakers by E. J. Hobsbawm and Joan Wallach Scott 86
Abyssinian Feudalism by Donald Crummey 115
The Meaning and Definition of "Property" in Seventeenth-Century England by Andrew Reeve 139
The Religion of Gerrard Winstanley by Lotte Mulligan, John K. Graham and Judith Richards 144
The Religion of Gerrard Winstanley: A Rejoinder by Christopher Hill 147
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