5583 Past and Present A journal of historical studies
Number 93 (November 1981). €7.50
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Family, Land and the Village Community in Later Medieval England by Zvi Razi 3
The Continuity of Catholicism in the English Reformation by Christopher Haigh 37
Property, Ideology and Popular Culture in a Gloucestershire Village 1660-1740 by David Rollison 70
Forced and Free Labour in Late Colonial Potosí by Enrique Tandeter 98
The Incomes of Russian Serf Ironworkers in the Nineteenth Century by Thomas Esper 137
Kett's Rebellion in Context by Julian Cornwall 160
Kett's Rebellion in Context: A Rejoinder by Diarmaid MacCulloch 165
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