4473 Decies Journal of the Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society
Number 68 2012. €20.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Did Bishop Malchus of Waterford resign because of the Synod of Raithbreasail? by Dónal O’Connor 1
A note on medieval figure sculpture at the medieval parish church of Tullaghmelan by Louise Nugent 17
Captain William McCleverty 1716-1779 by Erica Fay 25
The Waterford Glassworks strike 1846-1847 by John M. Hearne 37
The life and death of Timothy Quinlisk: the Waterford connections to Roger Casement’s Irish Brigade by Pat McCarthy 45
Waterford Gas Works Soviet 1923 by Dermot Power 63
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