4474 Decies Journal of the Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society
Number 69 2013. €20.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Bishop Gilbert of Limerick, Suffragan of Canterbury by Dónal O’Connor 1
Printed propaganda from the Waterford press of Thomas Bourke, 1643-1644 by Fergus Brady 11
Thomas Milles Bishop of Waterford and Lismore by Rachel Finnegan 53
How east met west – a typological explanation for Dromana Gatelodge by Trisha Ryan 81
Ardkeen House by Pat Grogan 99
John Horn 1814-1895 by Bill Irish 109
Hanged on Ballybricken Hill: Capital Punishment in Waterford in the Nineteenth Century by Pat McCarthy 115
Lieutenant Ernest James Vernon Thornton RN 1890-1912: a Waterford-born submariner by Anthony Kinsella 131
‘The Heart of the Matter’: An Analysis of the Most Significantly Influential Factor in the Creation and Configuration of Redmondism in Waterford City from 1891 to 1918 by Alice McDermott 139
The Historical Work of Matthew Butler: An introduction by Julian Walton 153
John Hearne and the Making of the 1937 Constitution by Eugene Broderick 171
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