0882 Irish Historical Studies
Volume XXX. Number 118. November 1996. €20.00.
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Clann Eruilb: Irish or Scandinavian? by David E Thornton 161
Regional industrial structure and labour force decline in Ireland between 1841 and 1851 by Frank Geary 167
Yanaihara Tadao and the Irish question: a comparative analysis of the Irish and Korean questions, 1919-36 by Susan C. Townsend 195
Select documents XLVI: 'Unofficial emissaries' : British army boxers in the Irish Free State, 1926 by David Fitzpatrick 206
Historical revisit: R. Dudley Edwards, Church and state in Tudor Ireland (1935) by James Murray 233
Review article: Revising the revisionist by Nicholas Canny 242
Review article: A view from the summit: the Gladstone diaries completed by Alvin Jackson 255
Theses on Irish history completed in Irish universities, 1995 264
Reviews and short notices 466
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