0900 Irish Historical Studies
Volume XXX. Number 117. May 1996. €20.00.
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

King John’s expedition to Ireland, 1210: the evidence reconsidered by Seán Duffy 1
Securing the Protestant interest: the origins and purpose of the penal laws of 1695 by Charles Ivar McGrath 25
O'Connell's liberal rivals in 1843 by Robert Sloan 47
King Carson: an essay on the invention of leadership by Andrew Gailey 66
The problems of disbandment: the Royal Irish Constabulary and imperial migration, 1919-29 by Kent Fedorowich 88
Review article: The historian as writer or critic? : Conor Cruise O'Brien and his biographers by W. J. McCormack 111
Major accessions to repositories relating to Irish history, 1994 120
Reviews and short notices 125
Seventh biennial report (fifty-sixth and fifty-seventh years) of the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences 158
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